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What are the methods of modern education to build an educated generation?

 What are the methods of modern education to build an educated generation?

What are the methods of modern education to build an educated generation?

What comes to mind most is the issue of raising children with a sound and righteous upbringing, and instilling positive and noble moral values in their souls from an early age. This is done through modern, gentle, contemporary methods, such as refraining from hurting the child or causing him any fear.

In this article, we review many ideas that revolve around the importance of sound education, its foundations, and its developed methods.

How do we build a thinking youth?

Reading is the way to increase knowledge and draw from the sources of knowledge and light, and it is also a way to build an enlightened personality to build a civilized nation.

 This educational mixture for the structure of building conscious youth takes two paths: The first way; Away on the level of the self to build thought and awareness, the second way; Away supported by a third party advocate for him.

It is self-evident to say that the wish of every parent is to make of their children individuals with deep awareness, enlightened thought, lofty message, and high morals. 

And that is by dedicating a beautiful daily habit that stems from a hearty love within them; It is the love of reading, taking care of the book, and respecting the intellectuals.

In fact, technology has invaded our lives in a terrifying way, our world has turned into a small village, and the media has become an important source for increasing culture and social communication.

 This is in order to remain contemporary and feel our belonging to this existence of which we are apart.

How do we have the necessary skills to educate our children?

There are statistics conducted over the course of a decade, on ten skills necessary to educate our children, and the latest survey was conducted on parents, who numbered 2,000 fathers; As the content of this statistic is the nature of the skills that must be possessed and dedicated to raising children who enjoy a happy life, the pleasure of excellence, and a healthy body.

There is a long list of these requirements, the most important of which is the expression of love and sincere feelings, but there is an important point that we must point out; Namely, that the relationship that prevails in love and understanding with the partner reflects positively on the lives, behavior, and focus of the children.

What is the role of the mother in raising children?

We will discuss the right ways to prepare and prepare a child; Where there are sound methods that are implemented on the shoulders of the parents in raising their children with a good upbringing and preparing them to be effective individuals possessing a solid, coherent personality and noble moral values. 

These successful methods include:


 It is necessary to resort to imposing punishment on children if the child misbehaves, violates morals, falls short in his school duties, or reduces the respect and appreciation of his parents. Punishment is necessary but provided it does not exceed the normal limit. What is meant here is blaming the child and urging him to feel remorse to correct his mistakes, and it is not intended to be physical or psychological torture of the child.


It is natural for parents to be true heroes for their children. Of course, if parents are good, have good values, principles, and intentions, and are influential in society, this will be reflected in their children beautifully, and children will take their parents as role models, role models, and inspiration for them.

Guidance and advice: 

One of the forms of effective and sound education is for parents to be mentors and guides to their children.

 Where they show them the path of goodness, and plant in their souls love and help others, and most important of all, they encourage their children to seek knowledge and that it is the path of guidance and the path of salvation.

 It is the duty of parents towards their children, to ensure that they raise them properly and free from any blemishes.

Boys and girls are a beautiful gift from God Almighty and a blessed gift that the Creator bestows upon the mother and father after a long wait. 

The intimate parental affection that emanates from parents for their children from a young age prompts them to dedicate to their children all they need and demand of food, drink, clothing, health and education; This is very important, as the correct and proper upbringing creates a strong generation.

With the development of nations and peoples, the emergence of the era of technology, and our entry into a time of speed; Where everyone has a mobile phone that allows communication wherever the other person is.

With all these changes, education has changed, concepts, methods, and methods have changed. 

Parents need a greater capacity to understand their children, meet their needs and desires within the required limit, and prepare them to fight life and enter the battlefield in which the forces of good and the forces of evil struggle.

The most prominent methods of contemporary upbringing

1. Late Night Stories:

It is very nice for parents to weave beautiful sweet stories for their children before bed, provided that the story is purposeful, interesting, and exciting, and bears the story of the superhero, as animated films are accustomed to us; Telling stories to the children's ears in an interesting and beautiful way, develops in the child a love of reading and develops the taste of listening with pleasure.

2. Avoiding corporal punishment:

Perhaps the worst kind of punishment is slapping a child hard; This is because it leads to making the fragile child suffer from major psychological complexes, and the criminal behavior of the parents towards the boy, pushes him to violence and sows fear within him, and turns him into a weak person who is defeated at the smallest challenge and surrenders to the simplest problem; This is because from the inside he is an empty person who lacks the simplest meanings of values, and he also loses his weapons to the resistance.

For all this, the physical abuse of a child by parents is a negative indicator and clear evidence of poor upbringing and does not lead to healthy children free of diseases.

The imposition of punishment includes not only the physical torture of the child; It also has many forms; Sometimes verbal abuse is more severe than hitting the face or body and digging a deep wound that cannot be healed.

Torture is not limited to insulting by beating or obscene words that make the child’s tongue palatable to immoral expressions that indicate poor parenting; Rather, torture can extend to harmful movements of the child and wrong behavior by the parents; Such as preventing the child from spending hours of the holiday with his friends, or preventing him from buying a toy he likes, delicious food he likes, or a nice dress he likes; If the child's desires are suppressed and he is prevented from exercising his childhood right, it creates an inferiority complex in him since his childhood and makes him suffer from an incomplete childhood and irreparable deprivation.

3. Provide a calm atmosphere:

It is obvious that a home inhabited by calm, understanding, and love positively affects the children's psyche and their general mood. As the atmosphere of tension, emotion, anger, and turbulent mood among parents transmit the infection to children, they get used to tension, fear, and psychological disturbance, and addressing this matter is extremely important; This is because it has a great danger to the psychological, nervous and mental health of children.

4. Expressing affection for children:

It is very necessary for parents to convey their affectionate fatherly feelings to their children; This is something that strengthens the relationship between children and parents, and thus the father is the subject of secret and trust and is not subject to doubt and fear in the child.

The most important thing for parents to do is to feel their true love for their children, This is because they are their most precious treasure and all that they possess in this life; As the family is a small cell of society, and the first nucleus for achieving a strong, mature, conscious and open generation, and then an important and integral part of an entire society in which there are many types of human beings, whether they are evil or good, and this is of course due to the methods of education that parents follow with their children.

A good family can only be based on a good father and mother who possess high morals and strive to guide their children to the right, right path free from immoral matters. 

It is the duty of parents to instill in their children love and faith in God Almighty, and that God Almighty is the Creator of the human soul, and He is Whoever guides it, fixes it, disciplines it, and saves it from despair, submission and anger.

The existence of faith and spiritual and spiritual submission to the Creator is necessary and inevitable, and it is the duty of the mother and father to teach their children from childhood that prayer is an expression of a servant’s reverence for his Lord and Creator.

Thus, we say: Education is made easy, not hard, and with leniency and mercy, not with cruelty and severity. 

The relationship between parents and children is very important, because it creates a comfortable and calm atmosphere at home, and reduces tension, nervousness, and negative charges in the home.

 Our children are trustworthy in our necks and we must preserve On them, they are the future of the nation, and they are the ones who will raise the status of our nation in the sky.

In order to ensure the safety of our nation, we have to take great care of our children and give their good upbringing sufficient time and absolute importance, and be advising them, guiding them to the paths of good, and teaching them the love of help, brotherhood, cooperation, acceptance of others, perfection in work, and avoiding lying and disobeying parents We must also teach them a dedication to performing their duties, refine their personality with pleasant talents and develop them, and discover everything that is new and wonderful in them.

These are simple and uncomplicated keys to preparing our sons and daughters to be active members in a diverse and prosperous society of all colors, spectra, and races. The responsibility of the father and mother.
