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How to get rid of rough feet with herbs

 How to get rid of rough feet with herbs

How to get rid of rough feet with herbs

How to get rid of the roughness of the feet with herbs, the problem of roughness and cracked feet is one of the most common skin problems among many people, especially among women.

roughness of feet

  • It is a common and widespread disease condition that affects the area of ​​the feet, and often the main reason behind the appearance of these cracks is the dryness of the skin in the area of ​​the feet and the lack of care to moisturize it sufficiently.
  • These cracks are usually accompanied by an increase in the thickness of the skin and the occurrence of so-called hyperkeratosis, which leads to the formation of nails around the edges of the feet and is often brown or yellow.
  • In addition, these nails lead to severe pain and discomfort, especially while walking, and in some cases lead to severe bleeding.
  • In some cases, cracked feet lead to serious complications such as infection, swelling, and redness of the legs. In this case, you must go to the specialist doctor to prevent the problem from multiplying.

Causes of rough feet

There are many reasons that lead to coarse feet, including these reasons:

  • Severe dryness of the skin around the feet area, where the skin needs moisturizing on a daily basis, whether from inside or outside the body.
  • In the event that the feet are not well moisturized, this leads to an increase in the chance of developing roughness of the feet, especially in the winter season. Excessive use of hot water when showering, because the use of hot water leads to the loss of the skin's natural oils that keep it moisturized and thus leads to dehydration.
  •  One of the reasons that lead to the roughness of the feet is also the person standing for long periods of time on hard and hard ground
  • If a person is not keen to drink large amounts of water throughout the day, this leads to severe skin injury.
  • Severe rubbing of the feet, such as some people rubbing the feet when it is dry without being careful to moisturize them well, leads to an increase in the roughness of the feet and cracks.
  •  In some cases, walking barefoot or wearing ill-fitting shoes for long periods of time leads to rough and dry feet.
  • Diabetes leads to severe dehydration in various parts of the body, especially in the heels and feet area, due to damage to the nerves of the feet as a result of severe disturbances in the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Obesity is one of the reasons that lead to rough feet because weight gain puts severe pressure on the feet area, which leads to severe dryness of the feet area.

How to prevent rough feet

There are many tips that a person should follow in order to keep the feet from severe dryness and roughness, and these tips are:

  • Make sure to eat and drink adequate amounts of water, at least eight glasses of water throughout the day.
  •  Attention to daily moisturizing of the feet in order to keep the feet soft and moist and not exposed to dryness and cracks.
  • Where this area needs continuous moisturizing in the morning and evening, whether using moisturizing creams or using natural oils.
  • Use a dry stone daily, especially when taking a shower, in order to get rid of the damaged skin and cells in the area of ​​the ankles, in order to help the growth and emergence of new healthy and smooth cells.
  • One of the most important prevention methods is also to avoid standing for long periods of time, which leads to cracks and dryness in the heels area.
  •  Therefore, a person should avoid long-standing and wear appropriate and comfortable shoes for the feet, especially while walking, in order to protect the skin and avoid dehydration and cracks.
  • Try to get rid of excess weight because obesity is one of the reasons that lead to cracks and roughness of the heels.

How to get rid of rough feet with herbs

There are many herbs that are used in the treatment of roughness and cracked feet:

  • Parsley Parsley is one of the most effective herbs in getting rid of roughness and cracked heels because it contains many nutrients. In addition, it contains a large proportion of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
  •  It also contains vitamin K, which plays an effective role in getting rid of the roughness and cracking of the feet by placing the feet in parsley soaked for at least thirty minutes.
  • Turmeric Turmeric is characterized by its superior ability to rid the body of toxins accumulated inside it, and it is considered one of the most powerful and effective herbs in getting rid of cracked feet.

Recipes for the treatment of rough feet 

There are many natural recipes that can be applied to the feet area to maintain its softness and get rid of roughness and dryness, and these recipes include:

1- olive oil recipe

Olive oil can be used to get rid of cracked and dry feet because it contains many properties that nourish and moisturize the skin.

Recipe ingredients

  •  1 tablespoon of warm olive oil.
  •  A large piece of medical cotton.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Olive oil is applied to the affected area by using a cotton swab.
  2. Massage the olive oil with your fingertips in circular motions for a period of ten minutes to a quarter of an hour.
  3. After that, cotton socks are worn and the oil is left on the heels for up to 60 minutes.
  4. Then wash the feet well with water and this recipe must be repeated daily until we get the best results.

2- Vaseline and lemon juice recipe

Vaseline can be used with fresh lemon juice in the treatment of roughness of the feet because lemon contains a huge percentage of acids that help get rid of cracks. In addition, Vaseline helps to effectively moisturize dry skin.

Recipe ingredients:

  1. A spoonful of medical Vaseline.
  2. 5 drops of lemon juice.
  3. An appropriate amount of lukewarm water.

  How to prepare :

  • Soak cracked feet in lukewarm water for up to an hour.
  •  We mix medical Vaseline with lemon drops and mix them well.
  • The mixture is applied to the feet and gently massaged.
  • After that, dry feet are covered with woolen socks.
  •  Leave the Vaseline mixture on the feet for a whole night, then wash it well with water.
  • This recipe must be repeated daily, especially before going to sleep.

3- Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a natural and effective cleanser that helps get rid of dry and cracked feet :

Recipe ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Six drops of tea tree oil.

How to prepare the recipe:

  • Mix both tea tree oil and coconut oil, and be sure to mix them well.
  • Apply the mixture to the area affected by cracks and dryness and massage in circular motions for up to two minutes.
  • After that, cotton socks are worn and left on the heels for a whole night, then washed well with water early in the morning.
  • In order to get rid of dryness and cracked feet, this recipe must be repeated daily.

4- Sesame oil recipe

Sesame oil is one of the most powerful natural oils that help moisturize the skin and protect it from cracks and dryness:

  Recipe ingredients

  • Five drops of sesame oil.

  Preparation method :

  • Recipe Sesame oil is placed on the heels affected by roughness and dryness.
  • After that, the feet are massaged well in circular motions, and then the feet are covered with cotton socks.
  • The recipe is repeated and repeated on a daily basis, especially before going to sleep.

5- apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains an appropriate amount of acids that help in getting rid of dead and dry cells from the feet.

Recipe ingredients

  • A cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • 4 cups of warm water.

How to prepare the recipe

  • Roughness affected feet are transferred to warm water, then a cup of apple cider vinegar is added to the water.
  • Then the feet are soaked again in water and vinegar and left for up to a quarter of an hour, then the affected area is well rubbed and this recipe is repeated daily.

6- Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel helps moisturize the skin and maintains its softness, in addition, it helps to get rid of cracked heels.

Recipe ingredients

  • The appropriate amount of fresh aloe vera gel.
  • An appropriate amount of lukewarm water.

How to prepare the recipe

  • Soak the heels in lukewarm water for up to several minutes, then dry the feet well.
  • After that, the heels are massaged with aloe vera gel, then covered with socks and left on the skin for a whole night.
  • In order to get rid of the roughness of the feet, this recipe is repeated for a period of four to five days.

7- Turmeric and Coconut Oil Recipe

  Recipe ingredients

  • Three tablespoons of turmeric powder.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil.

How to prepare the recipe

  • Turmeric powder is mixed with coconut oil and mixed well until we get a suitable paste.
  • After that, the mixture is placed on the heels and massaged in circular motions for up to five minutes.
  • Leave the mixture on the feet until it dries completely, then washes it well with lukewarm water. This recipe must be repeated twice a week.

At the end of our journey with how to get rid of the roughness of the feet with herbs, the person must take care of the heels area and make sure to moisturize them on a daily basis in order to prevent cracks and roughness.
